24 January 2008


The recent cold snap in Minnesota has inspired me to write a lovely haiku!

Temperatures Drop!
cold fingers are turning blue
Is it Summer yet?

It's around this time of the year, we call it January, that I ask myself why I still live in the COLD state of Minnesota. I am young, intellegent, funny, adventurous, I could move where ever I wanted to right? Why do I choose to stay here in the Frigid climate? Then I think about rellocating, and remember ah yes! Everyone I know and Love is right here! I would miss them all too much! So, I guess a little cold weather is good for me...

01 May 2007

Oh the green grass grows all around, all around...

I count Tuesday's as one of my favorite work days, for Tuesday's are "counter" days for me, which means I get to sit and look out the large lobby windows and watch the world go by. Today, as I sit here and ponder all of life's eternal questions, I look across the street and think, my the grass certainly is green in the park today. Which prompts me to giggle as i think to myself, "so the saying is true... the grass is really greener on the other side of the street!" Imagine the endless possibilites of things one would be able to do. Chasing squirrels, play in the fountain, sit under a tree reading a book, strum on a guitar... It must be so nice to be able to run free like the wind and play all day in the bright sunny shine, and yet here I sit, fingers turning blue because it's so cold in here wishing and hoping that I could run free outside instead of waiting for the clock to put it's little hand on the 6 and the big hand on the 12.

27 April 2007

Oh Natalie Dee... How I love thee!

The inspiration for today's blog comes from my favorite daily webcomic Natalie Dee. Ever since I was a small child, Ice Cream sandwiches were a fantastic treat that intrigued me. I mean it combines 2 pretty terrific food groups into 1--the sandwich group and the ice cream group! While this delectable treat can come in many forms, the standard Chocolate "bread" and Vanilla "filling" is a favorite of mine. There are many different ways one could come up with to eat one, but as Natalie has illustrated so greatly, the most popular method is the "squish and lick" method(S&L). It's fun for all ages. I highly recommend that you try it sometime. Remember those Reese's peanut butter cup commercials "how do you eat a Reese's"? The same question could be used for the ice cream sandwich.

26 February 2007

I can do that!

The inspiration for picking up blogging again is reading all the "LIVE" Oscar blogs! I can do that. On a daily basis I tune into TVGuide.com or EW.com to read their take on my favorite TV shows the night before and think, I can do that! I am a self-proclaimed TV & Movie (POPCulture in general) Junkie!

Why doesn't someone pay me to post about Grey's Anatomy or The OC (RIP! You will be missed) or The Gilmore Girls?

I cool, I funny, people like me and want to know what I have to say. I said this to my friend Will-Call Girl* this afternoon and she told me that I should start a blog. Then I remembered... "I HAVE A BLOG!!!" and viola here's the blog... soon to be "NEW & IMPROVED!"

I only wish I would have had this revelation last week...then I could have posted my very own "LIVE" Oscar-blog! How cool would that have been! (BTW, I am also an award so junkie!)

*names have been changed to protect the innocent!

I have a blog?!?!?!?!?!?!

I guess it's true, I must be very busy and important to even remember that I have a blog to post at everyday. Life has been a crazy ride, and i must have been busy since I created my blog back in May of 2006. But come on folks at my day job (of peddling theatre tickets to the masses) there are just way to many stories I could have shared out there to the blog-o-verse! And I in my "spare time" i work in theatre as well, so there's always a story there. You people are missing out. Sorry blog-o-verse readers. I suck... let's just put that out there right now!

02 April 2005

This is a test to test the test that we are testing.

This is the first ever post on my very own blog. Alot of interesting stories and things will happen on the blog, and I hope that alot of people check it out.